Exploring Metal Fabrication Techniques

Why You Should Outsource First Article Inspections

If you are involved in the manufacturing industry, you might be familiar with the idea of first article inspections. These are the first inspections that are done on individual parts that are made in manufacturing facilities. Some companies handle these inspections in-house, but using a laboratory that performs first article inspections is a better solution for many businesses. These are some of the reasons why outsourcing first article inspections can be a good idea.

Streamline Inspections Within Your Business

Getting first article inspections done in a timely manner is important. Otherwise, there might be delays before the next stages of production can be handled. If you can streamline the process and make it easier for your employees and your business as a whole, then you will probably find that it's beneficial to do so. Working with a competent first article inspection laboratory can actually be a good way to speed up and improve the process of first article inspections. It can actually help you run your entire business more efficiently and effectively.

Reduce Costs

Pretty much everything that is done within your factory probably comes with a cost, and all of these costs can impact pricing for your customers and your company's bottom line. Therefore, if you can cut costs in various ways throughout your facility, you may want to do so. One way that you can start is by reducing the cost of first article inspections. Instead of having to cover the cost of pay and benefits for on-site employees to help with inspections, consider working with a first article inspection service, which might actually prove to be more affordable. Many of these laboratories will talk to you about pricing based on the inspections that are needed within your facility and can help you find an option that is affordable yet effective for your business.

Ensure Inspections Are Done Properly

First article inspections must be done properly if you want to abide by government regulations and ensure that your products are safe and of good quality. By working with the right first article inspection laboratory, you can help ensure that the first article inspections are done as they are supposed to be.

Have Proper Documentation

In the manufacturing industry, you might be used to dealing with a lot of regulations and requirements. For example, depending on the types of products that you manufacture, there might be a lot of regulations in place about those parts. You will probably want to have documentation that proves that all of your parts have been inspected as they are supposed to be. Working with the right first article inspection lab can help you ensure that you have this documentation.   
